Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time off

So I've been asked about taking time off as a resident for maternity leave. This is kind of a sketchy issue. The law says that I can have up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family medical issues such as maternity leave. Of course most of us....especially poor surgical residents, can't live without our paycheck, no matter how far ahead we start saving. My program....and most, is also constrained by the fact that in order to graduate you actually have to work a certain number of weeks to complete your residency. That's why they can only give you so much vacation time.
So if I were to take maternity leave during my regular residency there would be issues. First of all it's a big strain on the other residents who would obviously have to take more call, and fill in where I should be. Secondly I only have 3 weeks of vacation a year. So I'd have to take those first before anything else. So when it comes down to it....if you want to take more than what your vacation allows you have to make some sort of deal with the administration of your program. This may mean taking less vacation in subsequent years, or owing them time at the end of your residency.
The way I've worked around this is that I'll be doing research this next year. I've worked it out with the guy I'm working with that I'll be taking 6 weeks of maternity leave but that I'll be doing intermittent work from home, and I'll still get paid. I really don't think I could have done this any other way.....I worry that once that baby comes I'll never want to go to work again....