Monday, December 28, 2009


So today was a typical glorious day. I went to bed last night at 7pm cause I'm so terribly exhausted. This morning I woke up to the alarm....and was still completely exhausted. I think this is the worst part of being pregnant for me. I am so tired all of the time. I knew this wouldn't be easy, but this is just ridiculous. I think I've actually gone to bed at the same time as my husband once in the past week. I don't blame him. The normal human body doesn't need to go to bed before the sun goes down. This parasite within is slowly eating away at me, while making me fat at the same time....crazy.

So I work at a big hospital in a big city and we have a burn unit. I'm currently doing burn surgery as a rotation. This poor man came in with a terrible injury and may lose his arm. But we're surgeons...which means we are pretty stubborn and won't give up on this arm. I get it, I mean if it was my arm I would want them to do everything they could for me before they gave me the axe. Regardless I think it's literally rotting from the inside out. Yeah, super yuck. You can smell it across the ICU. I'll tell you nothing makes a pregnant woman more nauseous than the sweet smell of Pseudomonas. Every morning, every afternoon, and every evening as I am taking care of my ICU patients I have to prevent the gagging from occurring. Yes I admit I have been known to puke in the ICU bathroom. Yes I know that's gross....and yes I'm not a fan. Needless to say it was an absolute miracle today when we cancelled his OR case. No matter how bad it smells on the unit, it smells ten times as bad when the dressings are taken down.

So I'm on call again this evening. Every third or fourth night kind of wears on you....especially when you are pregnant tired at baseline. But I'm trying to make the best of it. I'm having a crazy craving for ranch dressing, so I should probably go find some before I eat my arm instead. :)

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